Lexotanil Tablet: Uses, Side Effects, and Price in Pakistan

Lexotanil 3mg tablet


Lexotanil is a tablet form of bromazepam, an anxiolytic and antidepressant medication that is used to treat mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and agitation. It has two dosage strengths available in Pakistan, and should be taken with caution as it may cause some side effects including headache, double vision, confusion, weakened muscles, dizziness, and increased fatigue.

What are the Lexotanil Tab Primary Uses?

this meditation is mostly prescribed by doctors to help anxiety. Researchers say it works on the neurotransmitters, which are biological levels, to calm people down. These chemicals help the brain talk to each other.

When used, lexotanil slows down the brain’s overactive action. This takes place when bromazepam helps GABA join, which is a brain chemical that slows down nerve signals.

If you have any of the following diseases, your doctor may also give you Lexotanil:

  • Make surgery drugs better.
  • Take care of the affects or reactions of alcohol withdrawal
  • Take care of your bothersome sleeplessness (unregular sleep patterns).
  • Take care of upsetting worry, but only for a short time. Treat seizures and status epilepticus.

Risks and warnings

To keep from using Lexotanil, you should know about its risks and warnings.

There are some situations in which taking certain medicines is not recommended or is thought to be dangerous. If you are going to take any medicine, it is always a good idea to learn about the risks and warnings that come with it.

Lexotanil comes with the following risks and warnings:

1. An allergy or hypersensitivity

Not to be taken if you have had an allergic response to any other benzodiazepine, such as alprazolam or diazepam. That could lead to an allergic reaction that is so bad it can kill you.

2. Problems with breathing

If you already have breathing problems, you shouldn’t take Lexotanil because it can make them worse.

3. Muscle and nerve diseases

If you have myasthenia gravis or another neuromuscular disease, you should not take Lexotanil because it can make your situation worse.

4. Failed Liver

Don’t take Lexotanil if your liver isn’t working well or if you have liver failure. It could cause hepatic encephalopathy, which is a liver disease that changes the brain and how it works.

5. The elderly

Lexotanil should be taken with care or in smaller amounts by older people because they are more likely to have bad reactions to it.

6. Withdrawal all at once

Stopping Lexotanil all of a sudden can have bad results, so don’t do that. After taking it for a long time, your body may start to depend on it.

As a result, sudden withdrawal may have bad results. Because it tends to become a habit, your doctor would probably only recommend it for a short time. Lessen the amount slowly and stop taking it slowly if you want to stop.

7. Narrow-Angle Glaucoma

Bromazepam might raise the pressure in your eye, which could make your narrow-angle glaucoma worse. So, if you have glaucoma, don’t take it because it can make your situation worse and put your sight at risk.

What is Lexotanil tablet Price in Pakistan?

The price of a Lexotanil tablet in Pakistan is between 76.60 and 85.11 medicine per strip. Lexotanil a medicine prices change based on the strength and the company that makes them.

Side Effects of Lexotanil

Lexotanil is generally well tolerated by most people. But it might have side affects like

  • Feeling tired
  • Seeing double
  • Having weak muscles
  • Not being as alert
  • Getting lost
  • Feeling sick
  • Head hurts
  • Having no feelings
  • Drug Interactions

The following medicines and chemicals may not work well with lexotanil. If two drugs combine, you don’t have to stop taking one of them. But you need to let your doctor know about it.

  • Opioids and alcohol
  • Diltiazem, Amiodarone, and Macrolides
  • Protease inhibitors like fluconazole
  • Grape food and Cimetidine

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We provide reliable drug information based on thorough research, but it is your obligation to see a doctor before taking any medication to avoid any health problems. Always use this drug if your doctor has recommended it to you to avoid any potential adverse effects, and if you have any questions about the medicine, consult your doctor or do some research before taking it.

About Author

Content Creator at PharmaPULS

Dr. James

Meet Dr. James, a seasoned pharmacist with a rich background spanning over 11 years in the field. His unwavering dedication to healthcare and passion for fostering well-being led to the creation of PharmaPULS. Driven by a commitment to providing accurate and insightful information, he endeavors to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health. Through PharmaPULS, Dr. James aspires to bridge the gap between medical expertise and public understanding, ensuring that everyone has access to reliable pharmaceutical insights.

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